Employees are the cornerstone of any organization. They are the assets, as their assistance and efficiencies make the organization run successfully. Therefore, the employees should be treated as a valuable part of the organization and should be given all the rights which are given to them under the law of the states. However, certain professionals treat their employees as trash and consider them a burden.
Employees are the ones who help you achieve profit so not a burden. On the other hand, where organizations have an illegal and unethical attitude towards employees, most employees tend to stay quiet in such a situation because they are not aware of their rights, that’s why we have highlighted a few basic rights that every employee holds in any organization. To learn more, keep reading.
1. Right to Retain Copies of Documents You Sign
Employees when entering the recruitment phase sign a contract while joining the job which has certain legalities in it. Always sign the contract after reading it thoroughly and then start the job. There can be various conditions that might not allow you to work for any competitors or do another job etc.
When you leave a job or even at the job you have the right to hold every legal document that you have signed and try to keep them safe. As it is a contract that can be used against you. So demand a copy of every contract or document you sign.
2. Right to Complain
Employees Hold the right to make a complaint against the wrong attitude of the organization. If an employee makes any complaint the organization is not entitled to penalize them. Organizations can not hold them accountable and not make them leave the job based on it. Employees also hold the right to protest against the organization. But the projects should be held peacefully and should not be of any risk.
They can also hire a lawyer such as discrimination lawyer birmingham al to defend them against any act of organization atrocity, discrimination, and unfairness. The lawyer can help them guide in the whole employment process and if needed can represent them in court during a trial.
3. Equal Pay
Equal pay means if the employee, be it men or women, have the equal qualifications and expertise then they are entitled to the similar pay. There should be no discrimination to be made based on feeder or any other thing. As they both go through the same hassles to get the work done at the organization. So employers should have a gender equality motto. If there are any differences in pay because of the gender of the person then the employee can take strict action against the organization.
4. Right Against Sexual Harassment and Discrimination
Every country has sexual harassment laws in place. If anyone violates them, a strict action is taken against them by the authorities. Therefore, employees should be confident about the fact that they have rights that can never be violated. No organization can have any discrimination at the workplace due to the caste, color, gender or race of a person. Employees should never hesitate from making complaints against such situations.